Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Long time no blog

So I've decided to resurrect the ole blogarooni. I was letting it die out because Ravelry was filling most of its duties, but now that I'm counting down the days until I leave for the other side of the world, I thought this would be helpful for keeping touch in the future. Since I won't be seeing most of you guys every week. I still mostly have my Livejournal, but most of you reading this don't have LJ accounts. Also, you might be scared, scarred, or bored by my LJ. Hard to say.

So. Stuff going on with me? Well, we found an apartment in Portland! It's a 2-story loft in the Pearl District. Two bathrooms (one with a whirlpool tub!). A gigantic (280 square feet!) balcony facing south overlooking the park. Less than half a mile from Powell's Books. Right on the streetcar line. It's perfect.

Only downside is that it could be pretty temporary. They're only doing month-to-month leases because one of these days they're going to kick everyone out and remodel the building. But we'll stay there as long as we can, and then when we need to find a new place it'll be easier because we'll already be there.

But. But! There are 3 yarn stores within half a mile. And there are at least 10 Thai restaurants within a mile. At least! Yarn and thai food are two of my favorite things to spend money on!

As for knittish things, I started my Mrs. Darcy Cardigan last week. I'm using Peace Fleece in Georgia Rose, a pretty tweeded pink.

So far it's going well, though I'm feeling iffy about my gauge. It comes and goes. And I'm feeling way too lazy to rip out and start over with a new needle, so it's onwards and upwards!

I'll try to keep up with the blog regularly now, I promise!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see your Mrs. Darcy.
Tagged you for goofiness. Blame Kathe.